閲囦赴鍏徃鍏锋湁寮哄ぇ鐨勭敓浜у強鐮斿彂鑳藉姏銆佸畬鍠勭殑閿?敭鍜屽敭鍚庢湇鍔°?鐩墠鍦ㄥ叏鐞冨箍娉涘浗瀹跺拰鍦板尯锛岄兘鏈夐噰涓板缓绛戜簲閲戠殑鐢ㄦ埛銆?br /> 鍏徃鍏ㄩ潰鎺ㄨISO9001锛?000鍥介檯璐ㄩ噺绠$悊浣撶郴锛屾妸璐ㄩ噺绠$悊绾冲叆绉戝鍖栥?鏂囦欢鍖栥?绋嬪簭鍖栥?瑙勮寖鍖栫殑鑹?鍙戝睍杞ㄩ亾,瀵逛簬淇冭繘閲囦赴鍏徃缁煎悎绠$悊姘村钩鐨勬彁楂樸?鍒堕?鎶?湳鐨勮繘姝ャ?浜у搧璐ㄩ噺鐨勬彁楂樸?甯傚満绔炰簤鍔涙彁鍗囩瓑鏂归潰閮戒骇鐢熺潃娣辫繙鐨勫奖鍝嶃?
鐪熻瘹涓烘瘡涓?綅瀹㈡埛鏈嶅姟锛岃鐢ㄦ埛鏀惧績浣跨敤鏄噰涓板叕鍙哥殑鏈嶅姟瀹楁棬锛涗笉鏂彁楂樻湇鍔¤川閲忥紝璁╂瘡浣嶅鎴锋劅鍙楀埌鎴戜滑鐑儏鏈嶅姟鏄噰涓板叕鍙哥殑缁忚惀鍑嗗垯銆?br /> 閲囦赴鍏徃闀挎湡鍧氭寔“浠ラ【瀹负涓績锛岃鍝佽川涓哄皧涓?rdquo;鐨勮川閲忔柟閽堬紱鍦ㄦ妧鏈柟闈紝浠庝骇鍝佸垎鏋愶紝缁撴瀯璁捐銆佹?鑳芥帶鍒剁瓑鏂归潰杩涜绯荤粺鐮斿彂銆傚湪鍒堕?娴佺▼鏂归潰锛屼粠鍘熸潗鏂欓噰璐?妫?祴銆佺敓浜ф帶鍒躲?鎴愬搧娴嬭瘯鍒嗘瀽涓婁弗鏍兼妸鍏筹紝淇濊瘉浜у搧鍚堟牸鐜囪揪100%锛佹鏄暱鏈熷鍝佽川銆佸搧鐗岀殑涓嶆噲杩芥眰锛岄噰涓板叕鍙镐骇鍝佸緱鍒颁簡绀句細浠ュ強鐢ㄦ埛鐨勫箍娉涜鍙?
The Caifeng building hardware’s producting company limited is 1 gather a development,produce is an integral whole and sale of building hardware product Professional business enterprise.From establish, rely on strong technique strength,professional design level of company,through many year The dint has become one of the representative business enterprises of local building hardware accessories realm.
The Caifeng company has been take orders the brand core principle of"the quality create to get/ building future", persistence"careful beg actually,the trustworthiness respectIndustry"of work style;Walk the market turn,the brand turn,the road of the internationalization, usher in a professional talented person,technique and forerunner of industry actively of management style, expand to provide the motive support for keep on for the deep ploughing that adopts the plentiful company building hardware realm.
The Caifeng company has the strong production and the development ability,perfect sale and the after-sales service.Extensively national currently in the world with region, all have already adopted a plentiful building the customer of the hardware. The company promotes ISO9001 completely:2000 international quality management systems, bring into the quality management scientific,the document turn,the procedure turn,the norm turn of positive development orbit, to In promote to adopt the exaltation that the plentiful company synthesizes the management level,makes the exaltation,the market competition ability of[with] technical progress,the product quality to promote...etc. to produce profound influence.
The Caifeng company insists the quality policy of"take customer as center, treat quality as dignity" over a long period of time;At the technique aspect, analytical from the product, structure design,function control etc.The aspect carries on a system development.Buy and examine,produce the control,the finished product test analysis from the original material in the aspects of making process up guard a pass strictly, promise a qualified rate of product to reach 100%!It is exactly a long-term to pursue unremittingly to the quality,brand, adopt the extensive approbation that the plentiful company product got society and customer.
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